Saturday, March 1, 2014

Go Up

Once upon a time a girl picked up a guitar, a boy picked up a paint brush, someone else picked up a basketball and another bought a recipe book. This is how it all begins, one by one our curiosity finds our talents, our gifts and our interests. A girl or a boy can pick up a hallow wooden instrument lined with six strings and somehow make something that sounds beautiful to the ear. How is this? And how do we keep going?
"God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God's nature."
-Genesis 1:27
"My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working."
-John 5:17

The God I serve created us from dust. The world was nothing, empty and shallow, but He made the Heavens and Earth; all that is seen and unseen. He created humans and He created us in His image, to reflect His nature. If my God is a creator, I am a creator. God calls us to create, to accomplish, to do, to act and to be. Have you noticed humans thrive on productivity? We feel accomplished and proud when we can list off a number of the productive things we did in one day, right? That is because our God put that in us because it is in Him too! He produced the whole Heavens, Earth and humanity! He accomplished all that is seen and unseen. It is not wrong that we feel good and satisfied when we finish our chores or run our errands, it is something I believe God put in the heart of man. And laziness and complacency is from hell. 

If my God has put productivity in my heart, and my God has put creativity in my heart then to dream as an entrepreneur is also in my heart. That is because my God is an entrepreneur Himself! He created all that is seen and unseen from dust! Is that not what it means to be an entrepreneur? To make something from nothing? That is exactly what it is and that is exactly what my God did. 

This generation is full of creative Christian artists and entrepreneurs who need to realize that this is in their heart because we were made in the image of God and it is also His heart. It is His heart to constantly work, to continually advance and to make something from nothing. So to the girl who picked up the guitar and the guy who picked up the paint brush--don't quit. It is not from any selfish desire to succeed in music or art. If your art and music is to glorify God and worship then by all means, push forward with it and you can only go up from here. We are not called to a life of complacency, pick something up and go up with it! Get better with it, go farther with it, do more with it. . . Because once you start you can only go up form there.
And to the Christian entrepreneurs, your heart is aligned with God. Creating something out of nothing is exactly how our God works. 

To the fear in our hearts to pursue these things, get out of here! Often times we think, "I'm so scared to spend all my time on something that might fail." When Jesus came to Earth for the cross He was also an entrepreneur. He did not die for us so that He might profit in some way, He died for us because He wanted to give us the benefits of sonship. I am not saying start giving out free stuff, I am saying that He gave His whole self regardless of profit. That is what you should do.Whether it be guitar, painting, a sport, a job, a new business--be ready to give your whole self (if it is something you feel called to and care about) regardless of the profit. The way I see it you can either spend your whole self on something that might fail, or on something that already is a failure, like playing video games all day or working at a job you hate. 

The bottom line is our God is productive; He produces and He creates, that is why it is in our hearts. Our God also does not give up, He spent His whole self for what He loved and created everything out of nothing. If it is in your heart to start something from the bottom, up, then do it. Do it because once you start and put your whole self into it, you can only go up from there. 

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