Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What are we living for?

In mid January I started working for a  non-profit organization promoting nutrition and fitness in Texas. I worked as an after-school program instructor at elementary schools all over Austin. The goal of their lesson plans and curriculum is for these kids to eat healthy and be active. I recently resigned from my position after working there for only two months because I found a new job. I have to admit though that I am happy to leave this organization, and not just because my new job pays more. During my short time as an after-school instructor something was stirred in my heart as I got to know these kids and continued teaching them health facts; "Who cares this much about all this health-stuff? I don't want to raise up a generation of nutritionists or marathon runners, I want to raise up a generation of disciples. Taking care of your temple will come along on its own!" and those are the exact words that have been stirring in my heart and mind recently.
Today I went to this organization's office to turn in my equipment (they distribute equipment for the games to play at the schools) which is in North Austin so it's nearly a thirty minute drive from where I live. When I got there I saw that the office had ordered in Jason's Deli for everyone. It didn't seem like a special occasion, they did it at my training too. I thought, "They're successful enough to order in all this food, that's impressive I guess." But then something stirred in me on my long drive home today, "Sure they are successful when they look at their checkbook, the amount of food they can buy to share and the number of students they are reaching in the after-school program, but where is their substance?" The 'substance' I’m referring to is the substance of true life. It is life and life abundantly, the life that breathed life into dust and the life inside living water.
Our foundation for everything we do must be built on this substance of life and living water. I fully believe in chasing your dreams, setting goals and always moving forward in general. I do not think we should sit on our bottoms until we hear a still small whisper about where to go and what to do. We must get out and we must get doing and then God will tell us when to turn. It's like we push the gas pedal and holds the steering wheel. So if our foundation is built upon true life and living water then our purpose must also be for true life and living water. Although we continue moving forward in our work, no matter what that looks like, our ultimate desire and purpose must be for true life.If that is true then as we continue working whenever God turns the wheel we know we won't jerk it back because our desire is for the life He will bring in turning the wheel. As God steers and brings us to places of success, it will not be empty success. The success will have substance of true life because our God of life was leading the way.

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