Monday, March 3, 2014

It Is Finished

On the cross Jesus said, "It is finished" (John 19:30). For quit awhile I have looked at bows and thought of that verse, thought of those words on the cross, it is a revelation Jesus shared with me because He knew I thought bows were pretty. Now I don't just think bows are pretty, but I praise God for them, they are a lovely reminder. Here's why; When Jesus came to Earth in human form it was to come and tie the lose ends of our stories together. So now every time I walk into my room
and see my glittering bow decor, I am reminded in such a beautiful way that "it is finished", I am forgiven and God is victorious.
<-- A few bows in my bedroom

So bows constantly remind me of the same truth, "It is finished", but sometimes God brings to light something specific that is finished. For example, my identity. At one point pretty recently I was struggling with my identity in the Kingdom of Heaven because I knew the Lord called me and made me pure, but I struggled with believing it. I thought, "How can be pure and innocent after all that I've done?" I had a vision one day of white bow on my head. This was God's way of actually crowing me with purity. The color white represented purity. The bow was interwoven with gold because gold also represents purity (after gold goes through fire it is in its purest form). The middle knot of the bow was also covered in jewels and these jewels represented beauty, worth, value and royalty. Because of all of this was in one bow sitting on top of my head, this was God's way of saying to me, "Your identity is finished."

There is one more specific thing God has brought to light that is finished. First let me tell you a little bit about rainbows. After God flooded the Earth a rainbow came out He promised to never flood the Earth again, rainbows represent both God's promises and redemption. The flood was God's way of redeeming the Earth because people had become so bad, and a beautiful rainbow coming out of a horrible storm is redeeming the storm. I got a picture from God recently that looked like this:

This picture is a reminder that God's redemption is finished. He redeemed the world through Jesus Christ and He is redeeming our lives every day we walk in His will for us. This is a reminder that God promises to redeem all things and make all things beautiful in His own time (Ezekiel 3). So just as birds in the sky fly away and their passing becomes only a memory so will the things of this world. He will make all things beautiful and redeem all things in His time. For that is His covenant of grace and we are in that covenant with Him. His redemption and His covenant are finished.

"It Is Finished" by Dustin Kensrue 

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