Monday, December 16, 2013

Dear Michelle,

When I saw your Instagram photo about "Love thy booty" and I realized what the phrase was about it really stirred something in my heart. I am not good at directly replying to people when something stirs me like that, but I can blog or write songs. So I'm responding about "Love thy booty" through this blog. 
I got into my first serious relationship at 16 years old. I let that guy treat like I wasn't worth shit because when it came down to what was true based on my narrow-minded-perspective; it turned out I really wasn't worth much. That relationship didn't even last long, but it was crazy how much it affected me. It first brought me to my lowest point; cutting myself out of a realization that I was disrespecting myself in the relationship. Later it brought me strength when I finally found some courage to walk away, however it ultimately set the standard for my next three "relationships".
I got into a my second serious relationship also at 16 and this one was actually a long relationship. Although this guy genuinely did love me and care about me-at least to some degree-he did not respect me, cherish me or value me as much as I now believe I should have been. It's not just me though, it's every girl.

I would like to mention here that I am not entirely sure if Love Thy Booty is about stuff like self-worth and value and self image or if its just about self image, yet in my opinion I think they go somewhat hand in hand.

Anyway, after those two relationships every time I talked to a guy I let them treat me like I was some kind of property, like they could do whatever they wanted with me and say whatever they wanted to me. For quite some time I took no power or value over my own physical body. I truly believed, and acted upon those beliefs, that I belonged to which ever guy thought I was good looking.

Today I look in the mirror and I really see myself though. I don't see some lonely girl who belongs to whoever wants her. I see myself clothed in my true identity-the identity God made for me. And God has made me wonderful. He has not made me property to men, but a companion (Genesis). And in the same way that God treasures, cherishes and delights in me (Psalms 18:19) as his daughter so should any man who truly and seriously wants to pursue my heart. I realize today that I am loved by the creator of the universe who holds my heart in his hands, and he loved me enough to send his only son to die for me. Any man worth pursuing should have that same kind of love from God resonating and available in his heart because God has said that I am worth sacrificial love. I also know now that my body is a temple unto the Lord and a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit (1 Corin 6:19). Not just knowing or understanding these truths has changed my life, but believing them and living by these truths with my whole heart has given me a great new joy and confidence.

I belong to an amazing, holy, kind and sovereign God; physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally I belong to this God. This God is not just someone who I can say owns me, but my God is a God who cherishes me, loves me, values me, respects me and would even-or has even- died for me.

These truths are life changing. These truths are how we can love thy booty.

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