Monday, December 23, 2013

And in time, this too shall pass.

           Moving is most definitely not the hardest thing I've ever done--but it is way up there on the list. I would say like top five. I've been through a lot; like three divorces, death, I've been told I need to go to a psychiatrist and did and then was diagnosed with depression. A lot of people I've once called "family" got thrown out of my life and I've had my heart broken countless times by dumb boys. In the midst of all those times it felt never ending and like it was the worst thing I could ever go through. But all those times passed and flew away like a bird. Now all that's left is the memories of their wings floating above the horizon.

       So basically, I just can not wait until this is over with. I can not wait until all my stuff is packed and put in the garage, then I'll have my mom pack it all in my car. Then it'll all be over with and I can drive away. Once I'm there, all that's left is unpacking; which will mostly be the fun part.
       I know God would not call me to do something impossible, even it was by secular definition "impossible", I believe He would make it possible.
How great a reassurance that God makes all things possible through His own glory and power-
Matthew 19:26, Genesis 11:6 and Philippians 4:13
How wonderful that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness- 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

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