Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving-God is The Great Conductor

We have all heard the Thanksgiving story; the pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock, wrote the Mayflower Compact, befriended the Indians and feasted for three days. Today I questioned that there might be more to it than what we are taught in school, so I did my research.

In September 1620 a group of 102 people, who we now call "Pilgrims", sailed from England to the New World. The word Pilgrims however comes from the Bible and refers to people who journey a long distance to a sacred land. Originally the group of people were called "The Mayflower Settlers". This group consisted of Separatists, strangers, and crew members. The name "Pilgrims" did not come about to describe them until the 1840's. William Bradford was one of the first to describe them as such, "They left Leiden", he said, "that pleasant city which had been their resting place for nearly 12 years; but they knew they were pilgrims, and they looked not much on those things, but [lifted] up their eyes to [the] heavens." When Bradford spoke of them this way he was referencing Hebrews 11:13-14 & 16 ". . . Confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they who say such things declare plainly that they seek another country. . . But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city" (KJV).

I am utterly amazed when I read that verse in relation to this history. The Pilgrim's journey was practically a prophecy being fulfilled and people like William Bradford knew it.

The Pilgrims journey was long and treacherous. They landed at Cape Cod in November 1620. They had a charter from England to start a colony in Virginia, but the storms made it impossible to reach Virginia so they stayed put at Cape Cod. They crew decided to create their own colony under their own government, The Mayflower Compact.

Many people believe the settlers left England for religious freedoms, the truth is, many of them had already left England once and found religious freedoms elsewhere before coming to the New World. The Separatists had fled to Leiden, Holland to find religious freedom and separate from the Church of England under King James the 1st and his successor Charles 1st. However, the two other groups of people couldn't have cared less about leaving for religious freedoms. The group referred to as "strangers" were merely along for the excitement of the journey and the crew members knew how to sail a ship. The Separatists weren't happy in Holland or England. In Holland, finances were stretched and their children could easily conform to secular ways.

The first winter at Plymouth Rock was devastating. Only 47 of the 102 survived. After months at sea living off of rotten food they all proved to be at their weakest. Causes of death consisted of scurvy and pneumonia. Soon after the harsh winter at Plymouth rock an English speaking Indian greeted them. His name was Squanto. Squanto was essentially their "life saver" and what the Separatists believed to be their gift from God. Without Squanto, all of Plymouth's Pilgrims could have easily ("easily" being an understatement) died off.
Squanto had been captured by the English and taken to London in early years. He was later taken back where he found his whole tribe had died off from small pox. He then joined the Wampanoag tribe. Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn, catch fish, avoid poisonous plants, and helped them form an alliance with the Wampanoag tribe. I think you know the rest; In November both the settlers and the Indians celebrated with their new friendship and success with three days of food and games.

History like this is exactly what excites me and drives me to learn more. I also love the "What If" game. Things could be so different today if it weren't for what happened in history.

  • What if King James 1st had allowed religious freedoms? Then the Separatists never would have fled to Holland where they became poor.
  • What if the Separatists had not been poor in Holland? Then they would have stayed, and never would've went on to explore the New World.
  • What if they had landed where they were suppose to, Virginia, because the weather was good? I don't think all these things are accidents. I don't think there just happened to be a storm that threw the pilgrims so off course they had start their own colony under their own government. 
  • Even better, what if Squanto hadn't been captured and taken to London where he learned English? How would he have befriended and taught the pilgrims? Remember Squanto more than saved their lives, their lives flourished because of him. The settlers would have died off without Squanto. 
These Settlers, Strangers, Crew members, Saints, Separatists--what ever you want to call them, are one of the biggest reasons our country exists; and not just exists, but exists the way it does on our foundational beliefs. God is the great conductor and the world is His orchestra. God knew what He was doing when King James took away religious freedom, when the Separatists families became poor in Holland, when Squanto was captured and when the storm blew the Mayflower off course. These were not accidents, this is God's way of making everything happen for a reason and making sure all the pieces fall into place. America today is not perfect, but I am so thankful for our countries freedoms and our country's abilities to reach out to other countries who do not know their Savior. Today I am thankful for my God, the great conductor. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this information on Thanksgiving. It is thought provoking - thinking of the "what if" and the way God was the Great Conductor for the finding of our great country! Lynn H.
