Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rocky Mountains Born and Raised

When I was in 7th grade I would raise my hand in class and ask if I could go use the restroom. I wouldn't really go to the bathroom. I would walk to the doors at the end of the hallway and stare out the windows. I would stare out at the mountains far away and the neighborhood right in front of me. I hated it all. I associated the beautiful Rocky Mountains with all of my family’s tragedies. I would stare out at the street roads and daydream about running away. I would think; Maybe tonight I’ll pack a bag with money, clothes and food to runaway tomorrow. I never did runaway, but for years I wanted to out of bitterness towards my family and the mountains.To the right is the view I grew up with from my back porch (stunning, I know). I know it’s not the mountain’s fault my family was so broken, I never really thought a mountain could be to blame. I guess I always just wondered what it would've been like if I had grown up somewhere else. Maybe if I had grown up on a beach my parents wouldn't have gotten divorced, naive to think, I know, but I was young and naive. So that’s what I thought, and that’s why my bitterness towards my broken family was associated with the mountains. Countless times throughout middle school and high school I dreamed of leaving and never coming back. I wanted to get out of that town and be done with my past. My eighth grade year I thought that one day when I finally got to leave it would be like revenge towards my ex-step-mom. I always thought to myself; One day I’ll drive away and never look back, just like she did to me and my dad. During my junior year of high school I had a somewhat serious boyfriend. I told him I wanted to move after high school and he never really believed in me because he wanted to get married and live in the mountains together. When we broke up I remember thinking; I’ll get out of this town just like he never thought I could. Countless times my dreams of leaving Colorado were about bitterness.
The last 6 months in Colorado before I moved to Austin God completely redeemed my heart towards my home town in Colorado; Colorado Springs. I am beyond proud of where I come from. The mountains are beyond beautiful and I am love with my family—no matter how broken. Today I am on a plane headed back to Colorado Springs to visit my family and I could honestly cry because I am so filled with joy to visit my home town. My heart is literally jumping with excitement in my chest in excitement to see Pikes Peak! If that is not redemption, I don’t know what is. I used to cry when I looked at Pikes Peak and I would think; I hate that stupid mountain. I never would've dreamed God could redeem my heart and family so much; but He really has! And I am in awe!

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